


Yes, same-day appointments are available! Please give us a call to schedule.

If less than a 24-hour notice is given, the cancellation will be documented as a No-show/Missed appointment resulting in a $50 fee.

We accept most major insurances, If there are any services that cannot be covered by your insurance, we will be sure to let you know ahead of time. However, please call our office to verify insurance coverage!

Yes, we require all patients to review and update their medication list. As well as fill out our COVID-19 screening questionaire for the safety of themselves, other patients and the staff. 

 Sunday                                  Closed
Monday           7:30AM —  4:30PM
Tuesday           7:30AM 
—  4:30PM

Wednesday     7:30AM —  4:30PM

 Thursday          7:30AM —  4:30PM

   Friday                7:30AM —  12:00PM

  Saturday                                 Closed

Lunch Monday through Friday 12PM to 1PM.
Holiday’s we are closed on: 

  Memorial Day

July 4th

 Labor Day

   Thanksgiving (Th/F)

 Christmas Day


ABIDI Family Practice DOES NOT offer any pain management or weight loss services. In addtion, we DO NOT prescibe any controlled substances. If extra clarification is needed, please call the office. 

ABIDI Family practice DOES NOT aid in or offer worker’s compensation claims. In order to file one, patients must go through Huntsville Hosptial’s Occupational Health Group. 

There is not a nurse practicioner currently on staff.

Patients must be 13 and above in order to be established as a patient under ABIDI Family Pratice

Yes, we do accept self-pay patients! Please give our office a call for further details or with any other questions that you may have in regards to self-pay services.